This woman wanted to buy a bikini and gets humiliated by a saleswoman. Her reaction is amazing!

Here’s what happened:

“I don’t usually post such pictures of myself on Facebook however what happened today should be shared to raise some awareness.

The girl at the store today said that ‘girls like me’ shouldn’t wear a bikini! Well girl let me tell you something, I’m happy with myself and my biiiigggg tummy with tiger stripes, but you could have said the same thing to the girl who finally got out there and had the courage to wear a bikini and you just killed her confidence with one stupid comment. You can be any size and look good! Confidence is what makes you sexy and not just being a size 6!

Thank you for fat shaming me, thanks to you I got an awesome discount on my bikini.

Much love #fat, #confident girl! xxx”

Touche! That saleswoman will think twice before doing this again! Jessica gets 1000 likes from us, that’s for sure!

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